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Guest Posting

Guest posting is similar to blogging but only the difference is that you’re writing an article and posting it on the blog of others. Guest posting not only helps you get links back but also helps you get more readers and helps you build a good relationship with other bloggers. I myself used to regularly write guest posts to promote my blogs and it helps me.

I’m trying to clear the guest posting here in this article, by just checking out some points:

Get New Audience

If we write a guest post that is relative to our niche for any other blog, the chances of attracting any new followers are higher.

Get Back links

As we all know back links play an important part in the ranking of search engines. Additionally back link from higher ranking sites will give you a huge boost to quickly ranked up.

Get Loyal Reader

Having loyal readers isn’t always easy especially when you’re on a new blog. But when you write a guest post to another very popular blog which has many loyal visitors. And when you read your post on your favorite blog, it certainly begins to think you ‘re a reliable blogger.

Get Traffic

Guest posting now a day is becoming more popular among most bloggers as it is supposed to be a safe traffic source.

Build valuable connections

Guest posting gives you the opportunity to make some fantastic friends. Taking friendly relationships with other bloggers is always nice. It definitely makes writing guest posts easier on a friend’s blog than on someone’s blog.

Moreover, guest posting makes you a good writer because you definitely give more time to write whenever you write a guest post. Whether your writing is free of mistakes or attractive, it will certainly draw more readers to your blog.

Make Money Through Blogging

It’s considered the simplest and easiest strategy to make money from blogs. You should know that starting a blog, and using it to make money, is not a difficult job.

You can employ several web sites to start a new web. These are just a few ways to help you understand how to start a blog.

  1. You can purchase a domain and have free blog software put on it. Sites like LiveJournal or Blogger offers the ability to sign up and they are not difficult to use.
  2. Try searching for topics along with name, and make sure the title is associated with the category detail. Make sure the content you post is important and insightful because it will help attract more traffic within a short span of time in your blog. It will open up an opportunity to make money for you.
  3. If you want to gain money by blogging, consider signing up to host Google AdSense ads on your blog this is an important qthing. If you have a domain of your own then you are not required to share the profit you earn from Google Adsense.
  4. Contextual blog ads on your blog can also easily help you make money. Yet there are a handful of people who find them boring while others enjoy having it on their blog. Contextual advertising within the text will highlight only a few words. The advertising will show up when the reader places the cursor on the text with the highlighted word.

By admin