In order to get Car Insurance Quotes that are offer the best rates quickly and easily you need to be sure that you have the information available that affects the premium calculation. Our Insurance consultants will need to gather your personal information and in order for them to be able to calculate the best possible car insurance quotes online please supply us with the following information when we call you back.
You may not need all of these items, a lot of which are used in the calculation of comprehensive car insurance policies but the more information regarding the secure environment you car is used in, the better we are able to calculate car insurance quotes with the cheapest rates from the different car insurance companies for you to compare.
ID number, number of years you have had a drivers license
The Make and model of your car
The year of registration of your car
Primary use of the vehicle
Approximate average monthly mileage
Address where the car is parked at night and the security features (locked garage, behind a gate, in a secure estate etc)
Where the car is parked during the day (eg in an underground parking lot, on the street etc)
Type of sound system
Past Insurance claims history
Other items and circumstances that affect the premium are whether or not you need car insurance hire cover in the event of an accident or loss. Whether you need roadside assistance or helicopter assistance cover. In very comprehensive car insurance quotes there are a number of luxury items that can be added that cover almost every eventuality which you may or may not need, each of which has an effect on the premium.
Contact us by completing the form and give us the opportunity to calculate car insurance quotes from all of the best car insurance companies in South Africa for you to compare. When we are presenting the different car insurance quotes to you, our experienced consultants will advise you on which parts you can leave out or include and the effect that each has on your car insurance quotes from each of the insurers.